Part wildlife and part adventure show, follow the escapades of young National Geographic Explorer Bertie Gregory as he travels the world capturing extraordinary footage of wild animals. Using a combination of technical wizardry, secret fieldcraft and extreme perseverance, he and his team try to overcome the challenges and dangers and get as close as possible to wildlife on its own terms.
'Shark with Steve Backshall' Sky
Shark with Steve Backshall is a revelatory series that celebrates the wonder of sharks and dispels the myth of sharks as just cold blooded killers.
Steve Backshall, a naturalist and shark expert, gets us closer to sharks, to encounter a diverse and incredible family of over 400 different types. This global journey will take us to the remotest parts of our planet, from the sun-drenched tropics to the mysterious depths of our oceans. Teaming up with world-leading scientists, Steve will make stunning discoveries, revealing glow in the dark sharks, sharks that walk on land and ancient sharks over 400 years old. Now more than ever this incredible family needs our help. Every hour we lose over 11,000 sharks to overfishing, shark finning and habitat destruction. Steve will confront the uncomfortable truths and join shark advocates across the globe to help turn the tide for sharks. Coming eye to eye with this feared yet misunderstood predator, Steve will reveal sharks in a brand new light.
In the Eastern Pacific lies Cocos - the island of the sharks. While filming for ‘Shark with Steve Backshall’ Steve, Mark and the team battled weather and stormy seas to document the shivers of hammerheads that gather here…