‘Night on Earth’ Netflix

New technology reveals wonders of the planet in a completely new light. Across the globe we discover a hidden side to the world's greatest landscapes and animals. This series lifts night’s veil to reveal the hidden lives of the world’s creatures, from lions on the hunt to bats on the wing.

Mark’s work features in the following episodes (*)

Night on Earth: Dusk Till Dawn The night unfolds to reveal magic in the air, drama in the deep and danger on the ground as animals across the planet rise with the sunset (*orca in Norway - see a selection of stills taken from Mark’s sequence above)

Night on Earth: Shot in the Dark This look behind the scenes shows how worldwide camera crews climbed, dived and froze to capture the documentary's ground breaking night footage (*behind the scenes in Norway - see a selection of stills captured from location above)

Night on Earth: Dark Seas The oceans’ tides ebb and flow in concert with the moon, and so do the lives of the creatures below, from the largest whale shark to the smallest prawn (*manta ray and plankton in Hawaii)

A selection of publicity stills taken from across the series: